Monthly themes / Klucze miesięczne


January: New beginnings

New authors, new books, new series, new genres, new places.


February: Tidying up

Getting as much finished as I can; reading shorts I’ve been meaning to get to.


March: New & old

Catching up on 2017/2018 sff (in time for Locus noms!) combined with reading older (pre-1990) books.


June: LGBTQIA+ reads

I interpreted this as either engaging well with (central) queer themes or anything authored by a queer person (afaik).


July: Shorts

Anything up to novella length with emphasis on short stories.


August: Paper

Books and comics of which I had physical copies.


September: Hyped/recced

Following recommendations wherever they took me.


October: Gratitude

Gifts from friends, publishers of from myself; books I feel grateful for.


November: Mystery

Crime, thriller, secrets.


December: Tying up loose ends

Books I’d been meaning to get to, books I’d started ages ago, books I’m behind on.